Written by: Blackie Skulless
Considering how much I loved the debut album by Indianapolis’s very own Vexing Hex, you can imagine my excitement upon hearing they’ve finally cooked up a follow up. Haunt was very much a spooky doom metal-meets-psychedelic/classic rock outing that often finds itself compared to the likes of Ghost. Now we get Solve Et Coagula hitting the surface several years later. The same stylistic grounding is very much present, but I’m glad to say it’s also derivative. Mainly, the slower, doom-cladded riffing is a little more relaxed here in exchange for more blatant rock ‘n roll numbers that have a poppy front. Layers upon layers of synth and effect make themselves even more known, without compromising the tight riffs the band has long since built itself on. Moreover, the bass is more present than ever, enforcing an aggressive bottom as well as playing an important role in the rhythm itself. The outcome is quite literally a mix of songs that almost feel metal oriented, and straight up radio tunes.
Written by: The Administrator
In lieu of a lengthy intro, let me just state that Toronto's own Tumble have absolutely knocked it out of the park with this debut two track EP. Bringing proto-metal groove and a vivacious energy to the retro hard rock aesthetic, this three piece makes a strong opening statement with Lady Cadaver. Side A is catchy and frenetic in a fashion that is instantly gripping. The central riff is an absolute doozy. The vocals fit the mood and vintage vibe like a glove, dusty yet not without a subtle bite. There's a delightful sense of momentum. With all that said, the track's arguable strongest suit is the unexpected drum solo that slots neatly into the back half, providing an exciting and dramatic moment in the midst of a song that, for all intents and purposes, was already quite exciting and dramatic. When the riff comes back, reinvigorated, one can't help but smile.
In a continuing attempt to cover more music that would all-too-oft slip through the very large cracks, we're gonna actually publish the little one-off reviews that were previously (and arbitrarily) deemed too short for publication. Here's a mini-review of a rockin' single that I simply can't stop listening to.
Written by: The Administrator
When I find myself spending a little too much time in the doom and the gloom, a bangin' rock 'n' roll song serves as the inevitable cure. "Six Years" is the only track Moonlust currently has on tap, and goddamn, it handily qualifies as a hard-rockin' barnburner. This thing is addictive, plain and simple. In an exceedingly brisk 2 minutes and 8 seconds, Moonlust delivers exactly what I crave in a single. Driving central riff? Check. Foot-stomping momentum? Check. Engaging vocals, delivered with the kind of emotive fullthroatedness that practically demands audience participation? Check. A no-nonsense solo that feels complimentary and not a mere accessory? Check. A speedy runtime that leaves me desperately wanting more? Check. Check, check, check. Fully and completely. When I say I have listened to this song a total of 15 times in the past few days, I am not exaggerating. I am glued to that damn repeat button, and that, frankly, is a very good problem to have. "Six Years" has hooks and charisma in spades, and I can only hope that this standalone single exists as a harbinger of more to come. Give it a listen below! Moonlust - Six Years was released Jan. 6th, 2023. ![]()
Written by: The Administrator
Long before our eventual love for the brutality and extremity of the far reaches of the metalverse, we slumbering scribes were infatuated with the more primordial stuff. A certain affinity for the fuzz-laden riff-centric rock of olde abounds, and so when the opportunity arose to premiere a track from Brooklyn's Grandpa Jack, we leapt at the chance. This power trio is dropping a new album--entitled Grits--on July 29th via Lost Moon Records. Today's song in question, the stellar "Once Bitten," serves as the debut single. It's a killer track, as ye shall soon witness, and certainly whets my appetite for the remainder of the album's bounty. But! Before my self-indulgent chatter inevitably scares you off: please check out "Once Bitten" below! We'll meet ye on the other side. |
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November 2024