Curated and Written by: Josh Alexander of Forgotten Shrine
In a (continuing) attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're having a band take over the blog every few weeks to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. Our most recent playlist takeover came courtesy of Dead Karma, but now Josh Alexander of folk metal duo Forgotten Shrine drops by the Village with a playlist of influences. The result of Josh Alexander and Sofia Frasz's joint interest in "bardcore," Forgotten Shrine is a folk/medieval style project drawing influences from across the realms of metal including Nightwish and Eluveitie. Original soundtracks from the world of gaming and film, and the traditional/pagan folk genre as a whole, also inspires the band's musical approach. Forgotten Shrine currently has two singles available on bandcamp--check out "The Parting Glass" and "Where Shadows Lie" here! Without further ado, I'll let Josh take over!
Curated and Written by: Dead Karma
In a (continuing) attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're having a band take over the blog every few weeks to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. Our most recent playlist came courtesy of Chicago's own Black Sites, and now Dead Karma are here to pick up the reins. Hard rock newcomers Dead Karma are on the precipice of their debut release--the 4-track The Space Camero will be released August 23rd. Featuring groovy, strutting riffs, and vocal melodies that walk the line between tough and tender, the EP revives a classic, punchy hard rock sound that pulls vintage rock stylings into 2024. Hit that preorder and check out the streaming title track on bandcamp!
Dead Karma members each selected songs to represent their own influences. Whether influential to us as musicians in general or specific songs/albums/artists that we feel have influenced us with Dead Karma, these are the songs we chose to share.
Curated and Written by: Black Sites
In a (continuing) attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're having a band take over the blog each Wednesday to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. Last week's playlist came courtesy of Patrick from Disconnected Souls, and now Black Sites is here to pick up the reins. Chicago-based trio Black Sites fuse together aspects of old school metal and 80's thrash with progressive and melodic styles, drawing inspiration from--as you shall see--bands such as Voivod, Black Sabbath, and King's X. The band will release their fourth full length The Promised Land? on September 6th, 2024. Without further ado:
In the playlist below, I attempt to list 10 bands/songs that were influential at various points in my musical life. This is no easy task, but I hope you enjoy the result. These tracks are in no particular order.
Curated and Written by: Patrick of Disconnected Souls
In a (continuing) attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're having a band take over the blog each Wednesday to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. Last week's playlist came courtesy of Sofia Frasz from Exiled Hope, but now is time for the change of guard. Patrick from Disconnected Souls is taking over. An eclectic and cinematic ensemble, Disconnected Souls emerged in 2018 out of a desire to incorporate and blend the three great pillars of music: electronic, classical, and metal. The quintet based out of Chester, England, striving to create a distinctive sound that draws upon the depths of metal, while playing with tones and textures. Each member brings a diverse range of musical interests to the table and the resulting sound encompasses a wide variety of instrumental and vocal styles. Their debut conceptional album, Fragments of Consciousness, was released Jan. 19th of this year. Once you've checked out the writeup below, check out Disconnected Souls over on their official website. Without further ado, I'll let Patrick take over!
For this playlist, I (Patrick) have collated a sampling of some of the most influential tracks/albums on my writing process with Disconnected Souls and other projects. These tracks and their associate artists are but a part of the DNA that makes a Disconnected Souls song.
Curated and Written by: Sofia Frasz of Exiled Hope
In a (continuing) attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're trying something new here at Ye Olde Sleeping Village. Thus, on Wednesdays, a band will be taking over the blog to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. Last week wekicked off the series with Cruce Signatus, and for week two, the reins have been handed over to multi-instrumentalist Sofia Frasz of Exiled Hope. Musically inspired by the symphonic likes of Avantasia, Nightwish, Kamelot, and Cradle of Filth, every Exiled Hope single sits within the framework of a shared world, resulting in a catalogue that can be viewed as a dark fantasy metal opera. The latest single, "Blood of the Ancients," is available now, and serves as a harbinger for the forthcoming Exiled Hope album, Apocrypha, out later this year. Once you've checked out the writeup below, check out Exiled Hope over on Linktree andSpotify. Without further ado, I'll let Sofia take over!
Curated and Written by: David Frazer of Cruce Signatus
In an attempt to give some cool bands a platform to talk about cool music, we're trying something new here at Ye Olde Sleeping Village. Each Wednesday henceforth, a band will be taking over the blog to share a curated playlist, along with some words about each song and why they picked it. First up is Cruce Signatus, a new project from Milwaukee based multi-instrumentalist David Frazer, who you might previously know from (the excellent!) Pillaging Villagers. Blending heavy metal, cinematic compositions, and synthwave, the self-titled Cruce Signatus debut was released on June 7th, and can be found here! Without further ado, I'll let David take over. Enjoy!
In this list below, I tried to choose songs from albums that were highly influential on my creative process for Cruce Signatus, listed in descending order of influence. There were many albums that were influential for me, but these represent the top 10.
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November 2024