Here at the Sleeping Village, we keep our most revered albums in....a very special place. Their time may have gone, but they are certainly not forgotten. On the today's docket is an album that, despite not receiving a whole lot of love from critics, ended up smacking 2018's Albums of the Year list in the face, coming in at a respectable #8. And, if I had to do it all again, I suspect it would land in a very similar place. Hindsight is always 20/20, and in this case, I regret nothing. TerrorVision is a damn fun album--one that I still listen to frequently to this day. There are a lot of brutal death metal bands that bring visceral bombast to the operating table, but Aborted ply their trade with an indistinguishable and unmatched glee. It's absolutely disgusting. Across the breadth, individual tracks begin to lose distinct character, but rather form a series of brutal procedures, grinding and lacerating with bloody intent. Unlike many of their counterparts in the realm of goregrind and brutal death, who may wield scalpels like blunt force instruments, Aborted are relentlessly calculating in their technicality. That said, they never let flashiness take president over that which matters most--pummeling riffs, cranium-splitting drums, belligerent vocals, and straightforward songwriting. TerrorVison is fast, hefty, and, despite boasting a modern hone, is smeared with the accumulated viscera of a remarkably consistent career.
Welcome!We provide thoughtful reviews of music that is heavy, gloomy...and loud enough to wake us from slumber. Written by a highfalutin peasantry. What are ye