For those of ye unfamiliar with what we're about to drag, half-moldered, from an early grave, allow me to sum it up thusly: Some Dead Bodies play some certifiably nasty death metal. It's a brand equally informed by the stomping drive of OSDM; a distinctly forthright heft and aggression generally reserved for the more brutal end of the death metal spectrum; and a fetid respect for horror grotesquely. Now, over the course of two releases, this mysterious outfit has repeatedly demonstrated that their harsh 'n' raw delivery works...quite well indeed.
From both an aesthetic and thematic perspective, today's track premiere in question is a stellar representation of the forthcoming Infernal Death as a whole. Without further ado, then, we're happy and honored to premiere "Skinwalker" here today. Give it a listen below, and (provided you're still standing intact) we'll meet you on the other side! ![]() While steeped in Some Dead Bodies' trademark application of lo-fi brutality, "Skinwalker" is defined in my mind by the back half--a somber, haunting, and otherwise spine-tingling atmospheric affair. Haunted house organs. Undiscernable noises. Gasping sobs in empty spaces. In a word: eerie. The balance here with the churning assault demonstrated in the track's first few minutes makes for a complete story, a moment of near-narrative transition that often goes amiss in the world of death metal, and OSDM in particular. This dynamic quality only makes sense; indeed, the veritable auteur Nobody (also ofvide infamy) possesses an undeniable sense of drama when it comes to leading--or dragging?--a listener through a track. Of particular note here are the drums, which crash and roll with a furious abandon. Meanwhile, the vocals, which exist largely as howls and tormented shrieks, are as horrific (in the best sense of the word) as you might expect. There's a tension and simultaneous compromise between the simple churning riff and the caustically anguished vocals that Some Dead Bodies continue to nail. All told? I'm a big fan of this track--and a bigger fan of the release as a whole entity, because some things are best experienced in the context of the overall package. If Infernal Death is like unto a rotten cadaver pulled from a mildew'd coffin, "Skinwalker" is a tantalizing glimpse at that visceral visage. Some Dead Bodies - Infernal Death will be released July 31st, and will see a cassette release from Blood Moon Productions and a vinyl release from Jems Label. I also highly recommend you check out that vinyl preorder!
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