In a continuing attempt to cover more music that would all-too-oft slip through the very large cracks, we slumbering scribes are making an effort to publish short reviews at a greater frequency, thereby shining our very small spotlight on more cool shit. Without further ado, here's some black metal:
Written by: The Administrator
As demonstrated on more occasions than I care to admit, time moves a little differently here in the friendly confines of Ye Olde Sleeping Village. Which is to say: we are often very tardy. In the case of today's mini-review, I'm hitting publish a whole 7 days late, but better than late than never, amiright? In any case, here we are, primed and ready to discuss "Monarch," the latest single from Chicago black metal duo Nirensimt. "Monarch" kicks off in an atmospheric direction, but soon swings into significantly more visceral territory. Even in the more contemplative bits, there's a sense of movement and urgency waiting to flare up. Less "smoldering," more "combustible." I'm a particular fan of the vocals, which are sharply harsh and, during the forthright chorus, surprisingly distinguishable. While black metal often leaves the lyrical content a bit of a mystery, a level beneath the surface that requires further study, "Monarch" presents notable clarity, with the aforementioned chorus having a chanted quality that grounds the more atmospheric moments. I've previously stated that this song "rips," and after keeping it in heavy rotation for some time, I stand by that opinion. "It rips" feels like a cliche descriptor, and often is, but hear me out. "Monarch" clearly contains the elements that qualify a track for ripper status. It is energetic, and pointedly aggressive, and kinetic in a way that maintains attention without shoving it down the listener's throat. It feels expansive without feeling detached. Perhaps most importantly, I have an urge to listen to it again and again. It...rips. This is a stellar track, full stop. While I'm not sure if it serves as a harbinger of a forthcoming full project from Nirensimt, I'm a big fan of where this sound is headed--there's a sharpness and a refinement displayed on "Monarch" that bodes extremely well. Nirensimt - Monarch was released Jan. 16th, 2025. Find it here!
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